Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Blogging Begins!

Hello fellow Wanderlusties and curious folk alike, I have decided to create a development blog to help keep you guys better informed on the development progress Wanderlust is making. It will be slow at times, but Matt and I can only manage to work on Wanderlust in our spare time; small bits and pieces, here and there. Wanderlust is our idea of how an Action Adventure Online 'RPG' should be made, and if any developers for Nintendo DS or Xbox Live happen to stumble onto this, please feel free to hit Matt or I up. So please visit to help development of the game by bug testing and just having a good ol' time!

To get this started, yesterday I finished making all of the maps for Chapter 2, as well as some minor NPCs, finished a squishy jello-like creature, and add explosive touches to the game. Matt is working at coding/finishing needed cutscenes to help bring the story and world of Wanderlust to life. As always, we discuss ways we can create certain aspects of the game, while keeping it fresh and new. The engine is nearing the final stages, and by the release of Chapter 4 it should be done (engine wise), then it is all up to us coding cutscenes and making maps/creatures to fill the engine to the brim! I will/should have more updates in the coming hours/days/weeks/months/years to float your boats, that is if I can remember to update this damned thing!

On a final note, I would like to make note that I will try to update this every time we make new development, as well as include some sort of picture, so with that I will throw in a picture that has already been posted on our forums of the reintroduction of the slime:

Deadly and fierce, slimes will come in all sorts of colors, each with their own mysterious goo. Be wary though, for these seemingly weak creatures will leave a sour aftertaste!

Until next time fellow viewers!

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